Future kids program

The Future Kids Program at e+STEAM.AI Hub is designed to equip primary and secondary students with essential coding skills and sustainable agricultural practices through a combination of online and offline activities:



– Students participate in online coding challenges using the CoderZ platform, preparing them for the competition finals at DigiEduHack 2024 in November.

  – Teams are formed to compete in various challenges, enhancing their coding skills and teamwork.



  – Offline activities include the cultivation of microgreens and the operation of hydroponic systems, which students can manage from home.

  – Additional hands-on sessions are held at the e+STEAM.AI Lab, offering closer interaction and deeper learning of sustainable farming techniques.


  – Weekly online meetups to discuss progress, share insights, and troubleshoot challenges in both coding and hydroponics.

  – Monthly offline gatherings at the e+STEAM.AI Lab, providing opportunities for real-world engagement and community building.


Celebrates members’ birthdays through special events during monthly meetups, adding a personal touch to the community experience and fostering closer bonds among students.

Curriculum overview

Future Kids Program, an innovative curriculum designed to ignite a passion for coding, robotics, and environmental sustainability among young learners. Our program synergizes the dynamic CoderZ Adventure with LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime course with our hands-on, project-based learning approach, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging STEM education experience.


  1. Foundations in Coding and Robotics:

       - Beginner's Journey with CoderZ Adventure: Students will embark on a fun-filled and educational journey through the CoderZ online platform, exploring various exciting virtual locations like Frozen Island and Candy Town.

       - Step-by-Step Learning: Over 30 + hours and nearly 100 online missions, students will grasp the fundamentals of coding using Blockly and practice essential math and geometry concepts.

       - Introduction to LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime: Parallel to their online adventures, students will apply their coding skills in the real world using the LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime kits, gaining hands-on experience in building and programming robots.

  2. Smooth Transition to Python Programming

      - From Blockly to Python: As students become proficient in basic coding, we will guide them in transitioning to Python, a powerful programming language used globally.

       - Real-World Application Projects: Students will utilize their Python skills in practical projects, integrating their knowledge in robotics and environmental sustainability.

  3. Holistic Skill Development:

       - Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Through engaging missions and real-world challenges, students will develop strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically.

       - Math in Motion: Practical application of math and geometry in programming and robotics will deepen students’ understanding and interest in these subjects.

  4. e+TOKENS Reward System:

       - Motivation and Engagement: Students will earn e+TOKENS for completing missions, challenges, and demonstrating improvement, adding an exciting gamification layer to the learning process.

       - Real-Time Progress Tracking: Integration with our app will enable students to track their progress and e+TOKEN earnings, further motivating them in their educational journey.

Learning Objectives

The Learning Objectives of the Future Kids Program at e+STEAM.AI Hub are strategically designed to equip students with a blend of technical skills and practical knowledge, ensuring a comprehensive educational experience:


- Develop Coding Proficiency: Enhance students' abilities to understand and apply coding principles through structured online challenges and competitions.

- Master Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Teach students the fundamentals of hydroponics and microgreen cultivation, promoting hands-on learning of sustainable farming techniques.

- Foster Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Encourage analytical thinking and innovative problem resolution through interactive projects and real-world scenarios.

- Cultivate Teamwork and Collaboration: Build essential social skills and cooperative work habits through team-based challenges and regular meetups.

- Promote Environmental Stewardship: Instil a sense of responsibility towards sustainable living and environmental care through practical agricultural activities. 


These objectives aim to prepare students not just for academic success but also for meaningful participation in a sustainable future.

Enrollment Details

The Learning Objectives of the Future Kids Program at e+STEAM.AI Hub are strategically designed to equip students with a blend of technical skills and practical knowledge, ensuring a comprehensive educational experience:

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